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Wristar MultiAx Distal Radius Sterile Kit
Abrir o catálogo na página 1Data and images Intrauma S.p.A. reserves the right to make changes to the design and finish of the products shown and described in this catalogue without prior notice. The images are provided for information purposes only. The information displayed is purely indicative about some general features of the products shown herein. This information does not constitute in any way whatsoever a description of the specific features by the Manufacturer. Therefore, we recommend the customer to always contact the company Intrauma S.p.A. in order to obtain complete information on the specific features. ©...
Abrir o catálogo na página 2The Kit provides high quality single-use implants and instruments designed to improve the efficiency of your operating theater. It is streamlined to promote procedural efficiency by simplifying the management of instruments and implants during the surgical procedure. The innovative instrumentation is single-use and allows you to maintain the same surgical routine you perform today. Improved Operating Theater Workflow Single-use Kit with instruments and implants designed to help optimize workflow efficiency in your operating theater. Ready to use Designed for standard surgical procedures,...
Abrir o catálogo na página 3Indications Wristar Distal Radius Sterile Kit is indicated for intra- and extra-articular fractures of the distal radius (2R3-A2 e 2R3-A3, 2R3-B/C) and distal radius osteotomies. MultiAx screws can be angled anywhere within a 30° cone Low profile anatomical shape to minimize irritation of soft tissues Window to visualize fracture and joint reconstruction Fair distribution of forces over the entire structure, reducing the risk of implant breakage and screw mobilization The head of the MultiAx screw Ø2.5mm has a rounded shape to allow various angulations within the locking hole
Abrir o catálogo na página 4Surgical technique Patient positioning: the patient is placed in a supine position with his forearm on a radiolucent table. Approach: make a longitudinal incision slightly radial to the flexor carpi radialis tendon (FCR). Dissect between the FCR and the radial artery, exposing the pronator quadratus. Detach the pronator quadratus from the lateral border of the radius and elevate it toward the ulna. 1. Drill a hole by the sliding slot with the drill bit Ø2.2mm (SKM1.0007) using the universal drill guide Ø2.2mm (SKM1.0001). 2. To determine the screw length, use the depth gauge (SKM1.0002). 3....
Abrir o catálogo na página 5Kit content Reduced head Cortical screw Ø2.7mm HL8 Hexalobe Screwdriver Single-use Universal Drill Guide Ø2.2mm Single-use Quick Coupling Drill Bit Ø2.2mm single-use Coaxial Drill Guide Ø2.2mm Single-use Depth Gauge Single-use KIT - WRISTAR MultiAx Volar plate (L) Small KIT - WRISTAR MultiAx Volar plate (R) Small KIT - WRISTAR MultiAx Volar plate (L) Medium KIT - WRISTAR MultiAx Volar plate (R) Medium KIT - WRISTAR MultiAx Volar plate (L) Small Long KIT - WRISTAR MultiAx Volar plate (R) Small Long KIT - WRISTAR MultiAx Volar plate (L) Medium Long KIT - WRISTAR MultiAx Volar plate (R) Medium...
Abrir o catálogo na página 60 intrauma* Intrauma S.p.A. - Via Genova, 19 - 10098 Rivoli (TO) Italia Tel. +39.011.953.94.96 - Fax +39.011.958.83.85 info@intrauma.com - www.intrauma.com
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