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Delta TM3PF and PQ TESTING MODULES FOR FLOW AND PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS Flow measurement from 25 cm³/min up to 160 l/min Digital I/O interfaces for PLC connection USB/RS485 for programming and for data collection Software Manager: equipment management, data collection, statistical process DESCRIPTION TM3PF and PQ lines have digital I/O These instruments can be connected The Software Manager makes it possible to collect and manage interfaced to HMI terminal which is tests data, to set up the parameters, collection, a software to collect and provided with serial lines, USB host manage the tests data for PC. tests data. The instrument directly measures The instrument measures the peak By using an internal volume, the pressure and flow rate through the pressure reached before the opening instrument can measure the leak rate product being tested (filters, taps, of the valve and also the pressure and also control the volume of the and the residual flow when the valve tested product. Dislocated pressure reading on the opens. Before the test starts, the tested product is available. testing module checks the initial conditions of pressure and free output flow. DELTA TM3 can be interfaced with: • SOFTWARE MANAGER
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SPECIFICATIONS DC Power Supply Unlubricated, filtered (5 µm) and dry air compliant with Standard ISO 8573-1 Sensor Calibration Remote control software procedure Pressure Regulator External, optional 4 LEDs: two yellow (test phases), green (passed), red (failed) Test counters: PASSED and FAILED totals, resettable to zero Life counters Programmable parameters 99 testing tables, general testing parameters 2 (+ 3 optional) not programmable Input , 24 Vcc, 0.7 A max 4 not programmable Output , 24 Vcc, 0.7 A max 1 port USB-Device for computer interface Serial Lines 1 port RS485 , 3 pin, terminal...
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