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Conera - 1

EESH conerà O Hearing Assessment. O Filling Systems «Balance Assessment otometrics

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Conera - 2

Welcome to Network Audiometry When we introduced the But networking means more electronic journals and records. world’s first microprocessor- than just shoving electronic And it’s just as easy to pass on based clinical audiometer back data down a wire – it’s also test results to health-insurance in 1982, it was a true techno- about communicating with organizations, hearing instru- logical breakthrough. Later, we other people. ment dispensers, or other brought out the world’s first healthcare professionals as se- commercially available audio- Get information cure e-mail attachments, which...

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Conera - 3

HMO C O L L E AG UE PUBLIC A U T H O R I T I ES C O NS ULT ING P HYS I CIAN YOU M E D ICA L S EC R E TA RY DIS P E NS ING AUDIO L O G IS T MAKING NETWORKING HUMAN Audiological test results are merely the means to an end – they’re not the end themselves. That means information must be shared with other experts. The faster this can be accomplished, the faster patients can receive the help they need. What’s more, faster communication can also mean faster reimbursement from health-insurance providers.

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Conera - 4

Streamline your examinations Beneath MADSEN Conera’s and again. Sound familiar? and intuitive manner – a vast sleek exterior, you’ll find a full- Well, here’s a simple solution. improvement on most stand- featured clinical audiometer alone audiometers. built to the industry’s highest In addition to the normal PC standards, including complete monitor, Conera lets you in- The audiograms, test data, and two-channel tone audiometry stall a touch-screen display in patient data can all be com- in HL or SPL. MADSEN the examination booth. That bined into a customized docu- Conera also offers a wide...

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Conera - 5

Digital word lists XML data export Binaural SPL audiometry Electronic reporting MADSEN Conera is based on well-proven software and hardware platforms from Otometrics. Easy data transfer Send standard XML data directly to Electronic Patient Journals. Or create customized reports in Adobe PDF format for printing or distribution. Integrate with other instruments Conera is 100% NOAH3 compatible, so it can communicate directly with many other audiometric devices. USB connectivity Customized reports Distributed access to patient records via PC networks Sleek, integrated cable cover

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Conera - 6

Optimize your workflow Combine more efficient Paperless journals lost. That means everyone can examination routines with We’ll probably never have the use their time more effectively, MADSEN Conera’s electronic “paperless” offices that were reporting is more efficient, reporting, and the total time promoted back when the PC and health-insurance reim- savings can be significant, first made its debut. But bursements arrive faster. When which benefits both your prac- there’s no doubt that the abili- did you last see a traditional tice and your patients. Higher ty to store, retrieve, and share...

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Conera - 7

files featuring personal patient though Conera cannot prevent data can significantly minimize medical malpractice, it can this risk. Moreover, these files certainly help protect those provide full documentation of audiologists who are innocent all the tests that were per- of any wrongdoing. formed. In other words, there can never be any doubt as to Now that you’ve heard whether a test was conducted about Conera, we hope and what it indicated. Al- we’ll be hearing from you! EASI ER REPO R TI N G FA S T E R REI N BU R S E M E NT BETTER DOCUMENTATION HIG HE R T HR O UG HP UT YOU PROV EN TE...

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Conera - 8

Features Otometrics is the world's leading manufacturer of hearing and balance assessment instrumentation and software. Our extensive product portfolio ranges from infant screening applications and audiologic diagnostics, to balance testing and hearing instrument fitting. Accessories • Audiometer Control Panel (ACP) • Overlay for ACP • CD-ROM control-module license and cable (does not include solution CD) • Insert masking phone • Sound booth installation kit • Free-field loudspeaker set (2 speakers) • PA 210, power amplifier • Microphone with table stand, mini DIN • Carrying case with...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Natus Hearing & Balance

  1. Madsen® Astera2

    12 Páginas

  2. Aurical®

    2 Páginas

  3. Otobase®

    4 Páginas

  4. MADSEN Astera²

    12 Páginas

  5. MADSEN Capella²

    4 Páginas


    4 Páginas

  7. Bio-logic AuDX

    4 Páginas

  8. Madsen Alpha OAE

    8 Páginas

  9. Hi-Pro 2

    2 Páginas

  10. Aurical HIT

    4 Páginas

  11. Otoscan®

    8 Páginas

  12. Madsen Zodiac

    16 Páginas

  13. AURICAL FreeFit

    4 Páginas

  14. AURICAL Aud

    4 Páginas

  15. AURICAL OTOcam

    4 Páginas

  16. ICS AirCal

    2 Páginas

  17. Aquamatic II

    2 Páginas

  18. Vestlab 100

    8 Páginas


    16 Páginas

  20. vHIT Flyer

    2 Páginas

  21. OAE is FUN

    8 Páginas

Catálogos arquivados

  1. ICS NCI-480

    2 Páginas

  2. MADSEN Xeta

    2 Páginas

  3. OTOflex 100

    8 Páginas

  4. Midimate 622

    2 Páginas

  5. Micromate 304

    2 Páginas

  6. Itera II

    8 Páginas