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Radiation shielding solutions for a safer planet This extent of shielding calls for extensive expertise. Because PET systems require a greater amount of shielding, you may want to rely on the impressive track record of NELCO PET installations. A wide variety of medical facilities have put their trust in NELCO to manufacture and install comprehensive PET and PET/CT shielding systems. Specialized experience is essential, as the lead thickness for walls and ceilings can exceed 1" (25.4 mm.) Heavier door systems require special consideration as well. NELCO can simply ship materials, supervise construction, or provide it all from design through finished construction. TO REQUEST A QUOTE OR FOR ANY OF OUR SERVICES Call 1-800-NELCO-13 (635-2613) or visit nelcoworldwide.com
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MANUFACTURING Manufactured at 3 nationwide plants— East Coast, West Coast, South PRODUCT PET Shielding Systems DESIGN In-house design personnel with extensive PET expertise QUALITY ASSURANCE Impressive track record of widespread PET installations INSTALLATION Experienced teams around the planet SAFETY Comprehensive safety programs for all products and environments USAGE Low energy X-rays and gamma rays PANELS Lead-laminated, fire-treated plywood and drywall systems BRICKS NELCO N-Series interlocking lead brick systems LEAD THICKNESS As per physicists’ requirements: 1/32" (0.794 mm) 1/16"...
Abrir o catálogo na página 2Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos NELCO
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
HDR Shielding Enclosure
2 Páginas
Lead Lined Window Frames
2 Páginas
Lead Lined Door Frames
2 Páginas
Lead Lined Glass and Acrylic
2 Páginas
Lead Lined Plywood
2 Páginas
Lead Lined Drywall
2 Páginas
Megashield Modular Block
2 Páginas
RF & MRI Door
2 Páginas
Radiation Shielding Slide Door
2 Páginas
Radiation Shielding Swing Door
2 Páginas
Einstein Door Control
2 Páginas
GUARDIAN Bi-Parting Door System
2 Páginas
High Density Concrete Block
2 Páginas
Lead-Lined Window & Door Frames
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
Interlocking Lead Brick
2 Páginas