Continuous Cardiac Output from ECG and SpO2
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Continuous Cardiac Output from ECG and SpO2 - 1

A Novel Technology to Non-Invasively Measure Continuous Cardiac Output from ECG and SpO2 Volumetric Information for All Care Levels non-invasive cardiac output measurement alongside the familiar vital sign parameters of ECG and SpO2. Nihon Kohden is redefining Quality of Care with new, non-invasive technologies like PWTT and esCCO by introducing volumetric information to all care levels. The possibility to derive the cardiac output Since the invention of pulse oximetry by from pulse pressure information by, Nihon Kohden researcher Takuo Aoyagi , in 1974 1) the pulse wave has become [CO: cardiac output; SV: stroke volume; K: the most commonly used vital signal constant value; PP: pulse pressure; HR: heart in clinical practice. The pulse wave can rate]established in various continuous provide time related information such cardiac output systems using the pulse- as intravascular pressure transmission contour-analysis, built the starting point as well as information on the volume for the novel technology esCCO. A better cha nge of art e rial blood. Estimated correlation between SV and PWTT was Continuous Cardiac Output (esCCO)is a observed compared to that between SV new technology to determine the cardiac , and PP2) and the formula providing cardiac output using Pulse Wave Transit Time output values was determined to be (PWTT)which is obtained by the pulse expressed by PWTT-Information as follows; oximetry and ECG-signals from each cycle of the ECG and peripheral pulse wave. esCCO provides real-time, continuous and CO = SV × HR =K× (α × PWTT + β) HR = esCCO × [α,β: experimental constants] Figure 1 : Pulse Wave Transit Time derived from ECG and pulse oximetry

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Continuous Cardiac Output from ECG and SpO2 - 2

esCCO Information vol.1 Performance of esCCO Ishihara et al. reported that esCCO derived from PWTT-Information is highly correlated with cardiac output determined by . thermodilution technique3 In 2009, a multi center study at seven Early Decision Making in Goal Directed Fluid Management facilities verified the effectiveness of esCCO Reliable Measurement with Non-Invasive Calibration The ambition in research and development Figure 2 : Comparison between esCCO and cardiac output by cold bolus thermodilution 4 ICO though, was the provision of volumetric information, especially for mid and low...

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