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FLAATZ 560 - 1

and Digital X-ray and I m a gin g S olu t i o n s Product Information DR Tech detector FLAATZ 560 - ideally suited as an upgrade to existing X-ray systems Brief description: Direct digital imaging without GadOX or CsI scintillator plates, resulting in very clear images Equal in size to a conventional X-ray cassette Easy switching from conventional to digital mode since the existing X-ray system does not have to be modified. Large imaging area 35 x 43 cm (14" x 17") Highest image quality (3,072 x 2,560 high resolution, direct) FLAATZ 560 is a revolutionary digital radiographic detector that enables you to upgrade your existing conventional X-ray system to a DR system with its super-slim and compact design. The detector has the same dimensions as a normal film cassette. The X-ray system's bucky tray does not need to be modified. The FLAATZ 560 allows digital imaging without GadOX or CsI plates. Technical data: Detector type: X-ray imaging area: Pixel array resolution: Pixel Pitch: Preview Time: Dimension: Weight: A/D conversion dynamic range: X-ray energy range: Power consumption : Fill Factor: Operating environment : FLAATZ (flat panel digital X-ray detector) 42.1 x 34.4 cm 3,072 x 2,560 139 μm 5 sec approx. 383(W) x 460(L) x 15(H) mm 3.7 kg 14 bit 40 -150 kVp 12V, 2A maximum ~83% 5 to 35 °C 20 to 75% RH (Non-Condensing) Portable use available (Mobile kit option) Warranty: 2 years OR Technology (Oehm und Rehbein GmbH), Waldemarstraße 20 g/h, 18057 Rostock, Germany, Tel. +49 (0)381 - 20 36 126, info@or-technology.com, www.or-technology.com FLAATZ 560 minimizes the costs and maximizes the performance Product information Version 001_10_2010 O R Technology

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FLAATZ 560 - 2

DR Tech detector FLAATZ 560 - ideally suited as an upgrade to existing X-ray systems Flat panel Enclosure for mobile use 46,0 cm 38,3 cm Active area: 16.6 x 13.5 inch 42.1 x 34.4 cm Views Front Length of data cable: 0,65 m Specifications subject to revision without notice The editor strives to impart correct and up to date information. The provided specifications are based on current knowledge and are subject to revision without notice. This brochure is subject to correction. The editor assumes no responsibility for the information being up to date, correct and complete. All furnished...

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