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Body Reversal Corridor for assessing motor coordination The body reversal corridor is used for assessing muscle control and movement coordination in rats. The apparatus consist of a narrow black Perspex corridor with a closed end. The corridor is provided with two supporting paws for ensuring its stability during the test. The rat is placed in the corridor facing the closed end. The researcher evaluates the time spent by the animal to turn over (body reversal) and reach the opposite opened end of the corridor. Simple and quick test Odour Resistant material Removable walls for easier cleaning and storage SPECIFICATIONS Corridor dimensions (w x l x h) Corridor Material Black Perspex Body Reversal Corridor, Rat Contact us for additional information APPLICATIONS Motor Coordination, Parkinson disease, etc... Panlab s.l.u. C/Energía, 112 08940 Cornellà (Barcelona) SPAIN PRODUCT OVERVIEW
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