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Training presentation UROLOGY
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What is Urology? Urology is a surgical speciality that deals with the treatment of conditions involving the male and female urinary tract and the male reproductive organs.
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What is Urinary Catheterisation? Medical procedure used to drain and collect urine from the bladder. A thin, flexible tube (catheter) is inserted into the bladder through the urethral meatus (urethral opening). The catheter allows urine to flow through urethral opening into a drainage bag or receptacle. Urinary catheter can be used on a short or long term basis. Short-term catheterisation may be needed to remove urine from the bladder for a short period of time if there is something stopping you emptying your bladder normally. Long-term catheterisation may be needed for a long time if...
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Hospitals ■ Post trauma & post surgical bladder relief ■ Prior to lower abdominal surgery ■ Acute retention of urine/inadequate bladder drainage ■ Spinal injuries, Spina Bifida etc. ■ Elderly & other patient groups Maternity ■ Pre & post delivery bladder drainage Measurement of residual urine
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Rehabilitation/Community ■ Teaching Self Catheterisation ■ Patient groups where long term intermittent catheterisation is required e.g. disabled ■ Home care & the elderly ■ For general practitioner and other community medical personnel for emergency use e.g. urine retention
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■ Improved self-care & independence ■ Reduced risk of common indwelling catheter-associated complications ■ Reduced need for additional equipment (such as drainage bags) ■ Less barriers to intimacy & sexual activities ■ Potential for reduced lower urinary tract symptoms (frequency/urgency/incontinence) between catheterisation
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What Pennine Offer… Pennine Healthcare manufacture a comprehensive range of high quality intermittent catheter options including traditional PVC catheters, prelubricated catheters and pre-lubricated catheters with a collection bag . Nelaton Catheters Female Catheters Tiemann Catheters Mid Stream Urine Collector Intro Uri Cath (Female) PreLube Catheters (Male) PreLube Catheters (Female) PreLube Catheters (Tiemann) PreLube Bag for PreLube Catheter(Male)
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■ All products manufactured in a Class 8 clean room. ■ ISO-9001:2008 & ISO-13485:2012 accredited ■ CE Marked - Urethral Catheters CLASS 1 (Sterile)
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• Traditional male urinary catheter • 38cm Length (to fit male anatomy) • Available in sizes 6ch to 24ch • Two side eyes for maximum drainage • Medical grade PVC (Shore Hardness A80) • Soft rounded tip for atraumatic insertion/removal
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For intermittent bladder drainage
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• Traditional female urinary catheter • 23cm Length (to fit female anatomy) • Available in sizes 6ch to 18ch • Two side eyes for maximum drainage • Medical grade PVC (Shore Hardness A80) • Soft rounded tip for atraumatic insertion/removal
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• Tiemann uri nary catheter (male) • 38cm Lengt h • Available in sizes 6ch to 18ch • Angled, pointed tip for directional stability • Slightly hardened tip for ease of insertion through an obstruction • Two side eyes for maximum drainage • Medical grade PVC (Shore Hardness A80)
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• For aseptic collection of midstrea m urine for microbio l ogy testing (culture & sensitivity) • Results of microbiology testing will deter mine correct treatmen t for infections etc. • Easy to use, 30ml container • Patient details label • Patient instructions • Now available with plastic funnel
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Although intermittent catheterization is the preferred catheterization method for ensuring bladder emptying, complications and adverse events can arise, especially in patients performing intermittent self-catheterization long-term. These include: • Bleeding • Urethritis (urethral inflammation) • Stricture (narrowing of a section of the urethra causing blockage/reduced flow) • Creation of a false passage (caused by forced catheterisation and poorly lubricated/positioned catheters • Epididymitis (inflammation of epididymis and testes) • UTIs (Urinary tract infections) • General...
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To prevent some of the issues associated with self-catheterisation, the following can be used: ■ Adherence to basic daily prevention habits/hygiene practices may help avoid UTIs ■ Adequate education & patient compliance ■ Use of appropriate catheter type and material ■ Use of lubricated catheters which reduce friction and minimalize discomfort
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Hydrophilic ■ Catheters are coated in an agent which becomes active once in contact with water. ■ Often a pouch of sterile water is supplied with the catheter. ■ Can be messy and sterility is likely to be compromised when applying the water. Self Applied Lubricant ■ Lubricant is applied manually from a sachet/tube. ■ Can be messy and sterility is likely to be compromised when applying the lubricant. ■ Some oil based lubricants can stain.
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Types of Lubricated Catheter (Cont’d) Pre-Lubricated Catheters are coated with lubricating gel as they pass through a capsule Easy and simple to use, avoid mess Sterility is maint
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The Pennine PreLube: Features and Benefits ■ The Pennine PreLube is a pre-lubricated catheter for intermittent catheterisation. ■ The PreLube is coated with Lubrajel ® to reduce friction and minimise discomfort for the patient. ■ L ubrajel is water based, therefore does not stain. ■ The unique coating eradicates the need for water or any other gelling a gent. Time saving and convenience. ■ The catheter is completely enclosed, protected by an inner sleeve for a notouch technique, making the catheter very safe to use. ■ Two side eyes help to reduce trauma associated with insertion/removal. ■...
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The Pennine PreLube: Features and Benefits Cont’d Features sealed, pre-cut polythene wrapper (maintains sterility) Hard PVC capsule containing Lubrajel ® to offer total pre-lubrication of the catheter to ensure quick and comfortable insertion. Detachable packaging tip for aseptic introduction of the catheter into the urethra – no direct contact with the catheter Available in Nelaton, Female and Tiemann catheter versions Nelaton catheter version available with a bag to collect the urine Clear Instructions for use in each box The Pennine Pre-Lube is ideal for teaching self
Abrir o catálogo na página 22Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos PENNINE HEALTHCARE
Airway Management
12 Páginas
Surgical Suction
19 Páginas
12 Páginas
8 Páginas
12 Páginas
Surgical Suction
79 Páginas
Gastro Management
17 Páginas
Custom Procedure Packs
46 Páginas
Airway Management
37 Páginas