Powerex Overview
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Powerex Overview - 1

The leader in pure air technology

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Powerex Overview - 2

jrnning with ojr own ne of air compressors, Powrw nas boon design ng ana packagng systoms since Powerex has out a foundation on engines ng, innovation, quality, and service to become a leader in vacjum and 'alrjy4tems„.*tne leader in pure air tecnnoiogy*. Powerex is committed to providing the best value in tho markets we serve oy applying these p ars of our foundation into every system we DUM* Powerex is a nigra? Integrated operation wnere we net only as secrete systems, out we also manufacture many or me ma|or comcor^r:; From compressors, UL corrtoi panels. ttesJccant dryers, monitors to...

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Powerex Overview - 3

Powerex was the first cwipany to package NFPA 99 compliant scroll systems, Today, we compiant systems - Vacuum, Along with manufacturing air compressors, we Duiid many of tne major components, cuch as UL control panels, deslccant dryers, oew point monitors and rternairy lined air receivers OIL-LESS SCROLL Powerex introduced the first ory scroll to the us ot-less compressor market in 1989. The scrotfs completely dry compression nhamaw iriQAtnor vrttn inw nni&a and minimal vir^atinn, fcivira*; apfiicntinrvi or locations not considG'sd wn r9Ciprocating compressors. OIL-LESS PISTON We were tne...

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Powerex Overview - 4

OIL-LESS SCROLL TECHNOLOGY AS tne scrcii orwts vom No. i to No+ 4 posaons, a cresr^ent-shap^ci cavfty E graduaiy reduced, compressing the air and exhausting 1 mrcugn ire una a scrape p#n at tre center. OIL-LESS PISTON TECHNOLOGY Tne oa-sess compcsie ptsvxi sides up and dcwn wtmin 3 low mction. wear-re£stant afumrnum evader, compresang air on lie upstroke. Tne discharge air Is cooled via an air to air after cooler. me muti-finned compressor eyemoer is cooed try a defeated fan (2 tfrougn 13 hp) as wei as tie fan U&oes on tie nyvtfieei. Compressors are smgte stage 1 trrajyr 3 rp aro two siage...

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Powerex Overview - 5

Vacuum Technologies OIL SEALED ROTARY VANE TECHNOLOGY A iftvtaftinri inteiy www pt*nf> Iw A «uartft^ nt ^rtftQ vano^ AJtariifirt to a rotor In me pump cylinder As me rotor spins, centrtrugai me causes the vanes to sWe outward to form a seal on tne cymoer wai wtm <m that is njected into me pumping chamber. Ar is puled into tie pump inftecvltfcrib men compressed and discharged mio tne exnaust DOX. Tne sealing ci; ts tiieceo ana re-circtfaied wnmn me pimp via oil niters wncfi eimnates 99 or luoflcanng 01 from me etfiaust CLAW PUMP TECHNOLOGY inside me pjmp Housing, two dm duped rotors take m...

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Powerex Overview - 6

DESICCANT DRYERS Tne PMD series desiccant dryer is designed to remove moisture ana contaminants from tne compressed air. Trie air is treated to provide air quality exceed tne specification of REFRIGERATED DRYERS Non-cycling nme tested dryers utilizing air to refrigerant neat ■excnangers. Perfect for apptcanons Uses polymer sensor tecnnoiogy for fast response times ana patented auto castration to ensure accuracy in addition to a purge control feature to control desiccant air dryers. CARBON MONOXIDE Tnts monitor can ce used in virtually any commercial or rtdustnai process that requires CO...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Powerex

  1. Powerex Kobelco

    4 Páginas

  2. Seismic (OSHPD)

    4 Páginas

  3. Rotary Tooth

    4 Páginas

  4. IVS/IVD Models

    1 Páginas

  5. Dewpoint Monitor

    2 Páginas

  6. AS/AD Models

    1 Páginas