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select hp compact water purification system, designed to guarantee a consistent supply of high quality pure water The Select HP is a compact unit designed to produce a consistent supply of > lOMQ.cm water for HPLC, ion chromatography, atomic absorption, hydrogen generation, and clinical analyser feed. Additional features O Guaranteed > lOMQ.cm water quality O Remote Dispense Pod (Optional) O Energy saving intelligent stand-by mode O Dispense rate of up to 2 litres/min O 0.2pm point of use bacterial filter O Water quality parameters, MQ.cm, °C, flowrate displayed O Selectable manual and volumetric dispense feature O Internal 0.1pm bacterial filtration O ECO option now available offering 50% recovery which equates to a significant reduction in water usage and waste.
Abrir o catálogo na página 1
select hp compact water purification system, designed to guarantee a consistent supply of high quality pure water Our Select range of water purification systems is compact, robust, simple to use and easy to maintain and available in five standard models: Analyst, HP, Purewater 300, Fusion and Neptune Ultimate. Common features of all our Select systems include: O Space-saving, dependable, bench top or wall mounted systems O RO Removes > 98% minerals and > 99% bacteria O Choice of production rates up to 48 l/hr O Optional external storage tanks up to 100 litres O RO Boost pump fitted as...
Abrir o catálogo na página 2Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Purite Water Purification Solutions
Deionising Cylinders
6 Páginas
Automatic Water Softeners
2 Páginas
Integra 200E
2 Páginas
Integra E+
2 Páginas
Integra HP
2 Páginas
Elite Plus
2 Páginas
Prestige Descale
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
ECO System
1 Páginas
24 Páginas
Integra L
2 Páginas
Purite Purewater 300
2 Páginas
Purite Analyst
2 Páginas
Purite Neptune
2 Páginas
Purite Fusion
2 Páginas
Purite EDI 60
2 Páginas
Laboratory Brochure
20 Páginas