Grupo: Randox

Excertos do catálogo

MONITORING EQA PERFORMANCE quality control Laboratory: Cycle Number: Analysis Date: Mean for Comparison: Programme: Sample Number: Analyte: Lab Result: SDI: %Dev: 1. Specimen Handling a. Samples received in good condition b. Samples stored/prepared appropriately c. Integrity of the sample is acceptable d. Random IQC variation on sample analysis date e. Error due to imprecision; check IQC in terms of %Deviation compared to deviation observed in EQA f. IQC target correctly assigned 2. Clerical a. Correct result entered b. Correct use of decimal point and units c. Calculations, if any, performed correctly (even if automated) d. Conversion factors applied to results before submission 5. Calibration a. Date of last calibration b. Calibration frequency acceptable c. Last calibration acceptable 3. Registration and Mean for Comparison a. Registered in the correct method/instrument group b. Changed method or instrument without advising RIQAS c. Mean for comparison changed due to the number of participants returning results e.g. from method to instrument d. An obvious bias between method and instrument means (check histogram and stats sections) 6. Instrument a. Daily maintenance performed on date of sample analysis b. Special maintenance performed prior to sample analysis c. Instrument operated correctly d. Operator fully trained 7. Reagents a. Reagents prepared and stored correctly b. Reagents within open vial stability 4. Internal Quality Control a. %Deviation of IQC (at similar conc to that of EQA) on sample analysis date acceptable b. Shift in IQC in the periods just before and after EQA sample analysis c. Trends in IQC in the periods before and after EQA sample analysis 8. EQA sample a. Initial value b. Re-run value C c. I ssue observed in previous EQA samples at a similar concentration (check %Deviation by concentration and Levey Jennings charts) d. All parameters affected (to the same extent) - possible reconstitution error (check %Deviation on summary pages) Remedial Action: RIQAS© Randox Laboratories Ltd, 55 Diamond Road, Crumlin, County Antrim, BT29 4QY United Kingdom K +44 (0) 28 9442 2413 A +44 (0) 28 9445 2912 I mail@riqas.com tf®riqas.com
Abrir o catálogo na página 1Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Randox Laboratories
LT735 Vivalytic Overview
32 Páginas
Acusera New Controls
8 Páginas
Acusera 24.7
24 Páginas
Acusera Third Party Controls
108 Páginas
Acusera SMART Controls
12 Páginas
Company Overview
40 Páginas
12 Páginas
Superior Performance & Unique Tests
32 Páginas
Reagents Brochure
64 Páginas
8 Páginas
24 Páginas
RX modena
20 Páginas
RX misano
20 Páginas
RX Daytona Plus
20 Páginas
Rx Imola
20 Páginas
RX Monaco
20 Páginas
2024 Product List
64 Páginas
LT107 Evidence Investigator
32 Páginas
16 Páginas
LT033 RIQAS Explained
64 Páginas
16 Páginas
Endocrine Array
4 Páginas
Cerebral Arrays
4 Páginas
Thyroid Arrays
4 Páginas
Respiratory Multiplex Array
8 Páginas
LT252 Respiratory Multiplex Array
8 Páginas
LT253 Molecular Diagnostics
20 Páginas
LT367 FH Array Brochure
4 Páginas
The role of EQA in QC
8 Páginas
Basic QC Stastics
8 Páginas
Commutability Guide
4 Páginas
How to measure uncertainty
8 Páginas
ISO 15189 Educational Guide
8 Páginas
Meeting ISO 15189 Requirements
4 Páginas
QC Multirules Educational Guide
8 Páginas
Troubleshooting QC Errors
8 Páginas
52 Páginas
Adiponectin LT519
28 Páginas
Specific Proteins
40 Páginas
Linearity sets
12 Páginas
16 Páginas
Cardiology & Lipid Testing
28 Páginas
Diabetes Portfolio
28 Páginas
Total Bile Acids
4 Páginas
30 Páginas
36 Páginas
2 Páginas
technology at your fingertips
2 Páginas
Preparing QC
1 Páginas
Point of Care Testing
12 Páginas
LT630 Monitoring EQA Performance
1 Páginas
LT394 Using QC Multirules
1 Páginas
Guide to running QC
1 Páginas
Tumour Marker Arrays
4 Páginas
Which QC is the Right QC
8 Páginas
How often is right for QC
6 Páginas
Cardiac Risk Multiplex Array
4 Páginas
Biochip Array Technology explained
12 Páginas
LT250 STI Multiplex Array NOV14
8 Páginas
LT241 Metabolic Array MAY15
8 Páginas
4 Páginas
Custom Arrays for Biochip
12 Páginas
LT169 Cardiac Array
4 Páginas
Catálogos arquivados
108 Páginas
Evidence Evolution
28 Páginas
16 Páginas
Metabolic Syndrome Arrays
8 Páginas
STI Multiplex Array
8 Páginas
Molecular Testing
16 Páginas
Evidence Investigator
20 Páginas
Fertility Array
4 Páginas
LT107 Evidence Investigator - 2014
20 Páginas
Rx Daytona
16 Páginas
Evidence Investigator
16 Páginas
16 Páginas