Excertos do catálogo
R462 syringe pump are widely used in biomedical, animal science, pharmaceutical industry, and other scientific and industrial production fields. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS MODE MAXIMUM FLOW RATE MINIMUM FLOW RATE LINEAR FORCE SYRINGE SIZE (MIN/MAX) STEP RESOLUTION OPERATIONAL TEMPERATURE STORAGE TEMPERATURE ACCURACY REPRODUCIBILITY CONNECTIVITY POWER SELECT APPLICATIONS Constant velocity mode (Injection; Withdraw; Injection&Withdraw; Withdraw&Injection) Gradual-change mode Pulse mode Operation mode (Constant; Delay; Signal input; Signal output; Gradient Repeat Stop) RWD Life Science Co.,Ltd A d d: 1 9 -20/ F, B uilding 7A , Sh e n z h e n Inte r nat ional Inn ov at ion Valle y, Da shi 1 s t Ro a d, Nan shan D is t r ic t , Sh e n z h e n, G uangdong , P. R . China En q uir i e s : mar ke t @ r wds tco.com
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RWD Veterinary medical equipment
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RWD C100 Automated cell counter
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RWD R-CU510 Versatile Animal ICU
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RWD D-pro Veterinary Dental Unit
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RWD R415 Animal Ventilatorr
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MP-500 Micropipette Electrode puller
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Catálogos arquivados
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