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sit healthy, work comfortable As an oral healthcare professional, you don’t have to put yourself in strange postures to treat your patients. Score Dental brings you the best choices to sit healthy and work comfortable.
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Score Dental: sit healthy and work comfortable 30% of oral healthcare professionals retire early because of back and neck injuries... Research shows that 70% of oral healthcare professionals regularly experience musculoskeletal pains. The cause is clear: as an oral healthcare professional, you often put yourself in all sorts of strange desk & reception PAGE: 14 postures to do your job properly. This leads to increased – and often static – muscular tension and extra pressure on the vulnerable parts of the vertebrae in your back and neck. With all the consequences this brings. ...with Score...
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Tips to avoid harmful and uncomfortable postures We have listed these tips based on our extensive practical insights, and our collaboration with ergonomic experts from a number of universities. They help you to sit healthy and work comfortable. You can get started with these tips right away! Tilt your pelvis for optimal back posture Do not adopt harmful postures. Try to alternate your posture within the following limits: Sitting properly means sitting actively and upright Sit upright in an active posture: push your chest out, and minimize the static stress on your muscles (also refer to the...
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Score Dental saddle stools A ‘seated stance’ or ‘standing sit’. In other words: sitting actively and relaxed in the ergonomically favourable posture. That is the philosophy behind the innovative Score Dental saddle stools. Today, it is the seating solution of choice for more than 35,000 dental professionals worldwide. The Score Dental saddle stool has three major advantages: The natural upright sitting posture prevents back and neck injuries You can sit closer to the patient. No need to bend over as much Your open posture ensures better concentration and increased energy Traditional dental...
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Jumper The Jumper has a wider seat, resulting in a slightly smaller hip angle than the Amazone. A larger part of your body weight rests on the seat. This gives the Jumper seat a more traditional sitting experience. Jumper You will only experience the full benefits of the saddle stool if your position is high enough to sufficiently open up your hip angle, thereby placing you in a natural and relaxed posture. The perfect sitting height is the one where your upper legs naturally follow the shape of the seat. This enables the maximum hip angle to be achieved (130 to 140 degrees) while keeping...
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dentist & dental hygienist working with microscope Ergo Support • Stable ergonomic sitting posture with an open hip angle thanks to the unique sloping seat. Saddle stool Jumper with lumbar support Saddle stool Amazone Balance Comfortable armrests Medical Line 6311 with Ergo shape seat The comfortable armrests provide optimal support for your arms, allowing you to perform microscope work in a relaxed way. The armrests can be positioned close to your body in no time, preserving freedom of movement around the patient. Amazone and Jumper saddle stools Score Dental Ergo shape See page 8/9 for...
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Saddle stool Jumper with lumbar support technical laboratory Saddle stool Amazone Balance Medical 6360 with ergo shape Amazone and Jumper saddle stools Score Dental Ergo shape 6360 Score At Work Stamskin Spirit Beech Score At Work 4400 and Stamskin Spirit PU and Spirit Beech • Score At Work range of chairs with a wide range of adjustment options, allowing you to work ergonomically. • Good laboratory chair with basic functionalities. See page 8/9 for all saddle stool configurations • Optimal neutral posture for working actively and relaxed. • Easily manoeuvre closely around the patient, and...
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What options can you choose? desk & reception The 360° support can easily be rotated all around you. Very useful, because sometimes you need good support for your arms, while at other times your back could use some support. ‘Work in a healthy way, without pain’ As a physiotherapist and ergonomist, I advise a lot within oral healthcare practices. I look at all the workstations within the practice, because they each have their own ergonomic challenges. I advise on the subjects of working posture, and the use of suitable seating solutions. Score Dental has tailored solutions for all...
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Interested?Contact your local Score Dental dealer Score B.V.or send an e-mail to info@scorenl.com Feithspark 5 t +31(0)594-554000 LOO 61 N3Q0N3
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Score dental leaflet English
9 Páginas
Score Saddle chair Product brochure
23 Páginas
Score Medical Branche brochure
33 Páginas
Score Dental Branche brochure
35 Páginas
Ergo Support
2 Páginas
Score At Work
6 Páginas