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WEB_S6000 - 1

SYKAM S 6000 Valve Series

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WEB_S6000 - 2

I SYKAM S 6000 VALVE SERIES ROTOR SEALS Sykam offers a variety of different Rotor Seals All S6000 series valves are delivered with PPS materials to satisfy any possible application. Rotor Seal. All materials were thoroughly tested on their chemi- cal compabiiity and physical properties. Further rotor seal materials are available on reque- Available materials include: • PEEK (modified Polyetheretherketone) • Vespel (modified Polyimid) DiaDur PROTECTION All S 6000 series stainless steel stators feature the DiaDur coating on their working face which is almost as hard as diamond . This not only...

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WEB_S6000 - 3

DiaDur and advanced rotor seal materials guarantee a long life-time of all Sykam S6000 valves. Therefore, Sykam offers a 50,000 injections warantee on ail S6000 injections valves. All Sykam injection valves (S 6010, S 6011, S 6110, Interruption (NFI) technology which reduces pres- sure spikes during position switching to a minimum. The unique geometry of the valve's stator interrupts the flow path only for a very short time to prevent sudden pressure increase because of flow interrup- LOAD Position INJECT Position Needle Port Needle Port

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WEB_S6000 - 4

S 6000 Valve Series is also available as OEM product for instrument manufacturers. A minimum number of 50 valves per year are required for an Besides special OEM prices for all S 6000 Valve products, Sykam offers individual OEM solutions. These include the following: • one specific color for valve body and/or switching handle (see list of available colors • specific flow geometries are available on OEM Valves Color Table Valve Body Yellow / Gold Dark Bronze

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WEB_S6000 - 5

I SYKAM SAMPLE LOOPS ORDER INFORMATION Sykam offers the whole range of stain- less steel and PEEK sample loops. All sample loops are precision-cut for avoid- ing dead volume and leaking connec- The high quality standards of the S6000 valve series is continued with these sam- The volume of the sample loops is a nominal volume only as innei diameter of the used capilarries vary over the length. Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel

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WEB_S6000 - 6

I SYKAM S 6010/6110 ANALYTICAL INJECTION VALVE The S 6010 is a stainless steel analytical injection valve to be used in autosamplers or other motor- driven applications. The 6110 is the identical valve with inert PEEK stator. These valves feature the No-FIow-lnterruption (NFI) technology which reduces pressure spikes during position switching to a minimum. The S 6010/6110 is shipped with a 20 pi sample loop; it is otherwise identical with the S6030/6130 A variety of rotor seal materials are available to cover any type of application. LOAD Position INJECT Position ORDER INFORMATION Cat. No....

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WEB_S6000 - 7

I SYKAM S 6011/6111 PREPARATIVE INJECTION VALVE The S 6011 is a stainless steel preparative injection valve to be used in autosamplers or other motor- driven applications. The 6111 is the identical valve with inert PEEK stator. The valves have standard 1/8" ports instead of the usual 1/16". The higher diameter is necessary for high-flow preparative These valves feature the No-Fiow-Interruption (NFI) technology which reduces pressure spikes during position switching to a minimum. The S 6011/6111 is shipped with a 1 ml sample loop; it is otherwise identical with the S6031/6131 A variety of...

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WEB_S6000 - 8

I SYKAM S 6020/6120 NEEDLE INJECTION VALVE The S 6020 is a stainless steel 2-position valve with needle injection port on the front side. The 6120 is the identical valve with inert PEEK stator. These valves feature the No-Flow-Interruption (NFI) technology which reduces pressure spikes during position switching to a minimum. The needle port can be used with standard microli- ter syringes (e.g. Hamilton) or plastic type syringes The S 6020/6120 have a built-in position sensor for starting data acquisition precisely at the point of A variety of rotor seal materials are available to cover any...

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WEB_S6000 - 9

I SYKAM S 6021/6121 PREP. NEEDLE INJECTION VALVE The S 6021 is a stainless steel 2-position valve with needle injection port on the front side. The 6121 is the identical valve with inert PEEK stator. The S 6021/6121 have a built-in position sensor for starting data acquisition precisely at the point of A variety of rotor seal materials are available to cover any type of application. LOAD Position Needle Port Stator Material INJECT Position Needle Port

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WEB_S6000 - 10

I SYKAM S 6030/6130 2x3-WAY ANALYTICAL VALVE The S 6030 is a stainless steel analytical 2-Positton, 3-Way switching valve to be used in instruments as motor-driven valve. The 6130 is the identical valve with inert PEEK stator. A variety of rotor seal materials are available to cover any type of application. An optional manual switching handle can be pro- vided when the valve is not used in a motor-driven 20 32 004 S 6030 Stainless Steel 400 bar (6000 PSI) 2x3-Way Analytical Valve ORDER INFORMATION Gat. No. Model Stator Material Pressure

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WEB_S6000 - 11

I SYKAM S 6031/6131 2x3-WAY PREPARATIVE VALVE The S 6030 is a stainless steel analytical 2-Position, 3-Way switching valve to be used in instruments as motor-driven valve. The 6131 is the identical valve with inert PEEK stator. A variety of rotor seal materials are available to cover any type of application. An optional manual switching handle can be pro- vided when the valve is not used in a motor-driven ORDER INFORMAT Cat. No. Model Stator Material Pressure Stainless Steel 250 bar (3750 PSI) 2x3-Way Preparative Valve

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WEB_S6000 - 12

I SYKAM S 6040/6140 1X6-WAY ANALYTICAL VALVE The S 6040 is a stainless steel analytical 6-Positton, 1 -Way switching vaive to be used as selection valve. The 6140 is the identical valve with inert PEEK stator. A variety of rotor seal materials are available to cover any type of application. An optional manual switching handle can be pro- vided when the valve is not used in a motor-driven *) only position #1 and #2 of all possible 6 positions are shown.

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Sykam

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