Veterinary Portfolio
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Diagnostic kits are intended for professional use in the laboratory. Veterinary Portfolio

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Content ABOUT THE COMPANY ELISA Technology VETERINARY INFECTIONS – LARGE ANIMALS Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD-MD) Enzootic Bovine Leukosis Virus (EBLV) Paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease, PTB) VETERINARY INFECTIONS – SMALL ANIMALS & FISH Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) Spring viraemia of carp virus (SVCV) Viral hemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) PRODUCTS OVERVIEW

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About the company Established in 1993, TestLine has been dedicated to the development and manufacture of high-quality diagnostic products for both human and veterinary use. The company is now proud to be the major manufacturer and distributor of clinical diagnostics in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. TestLine was incorporated into the BioVendor group in 2012. Our mission is to lead with new innovations using the traditional as well as most advanced and modern technologies while sustaining the highest diagnostic standards. Company highlights - Approximately 150 employees, including more...

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Technologies & Products TestLine provides a complete package of customer services. These include sales of diagnostic kits, automated instruments, and expert support so that our customers will never be on their own. ELISA - Technology Assay procedure Sandwich ELISA principal Microtiter ^^mti-Hu IgG ^^nti-Hu IgM ^^gG IgM Kits: AD, BHV-1, BVD-MD, EBLV, PTB, Dog Borrelia, IPNV, SVCV, VHSV Competitive/blocking ELISA principal Anti-murine Ig Test steps Dilution of samples - serum/plasma 1:101 (10 pl + 1 ml) Pipette Controls and diluted samples 100 pl - Including blank Incubate 30 min. at 37 °C...

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Technologies & Products ELISA – Automation AGILITY® AGILITY® instrument represents a completely new DS2 2 – fully open 2-plate analyser concept of ELISA method automation, which enables processing of all types of assays across 12 different DSX 4 – fully open 4-plate analyser plates. Using SmartEIA kits uniquely designed for AGILITY® brings maximal automation and user – Open system, compatible with all ELISA kits suitable for open platforms – Open system, compatible with all ELISA kits suitable – Bidirectional communication interface, works with – SmartEIA – automatic recognition of assay...

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GEMINI, GEMINI COMBO Gemini – 3-plates, fully opened system Photometer Ledetect 96 for easy and safe evaluation Gemini Combo – dual technology of IFA and ELISA on single instrument (up to 16 IFA glasses) – 8-channel photometer with digitally operated LED – Open system, compatible with all ELISA kits suitable lamps, detection system of 8 photodiodes – Wavelength range 340-900 nm, selection using – Highly flexible time manager with LIS connectivity optical filters – Easy installation and maintenance, high pipetting – Reading speed – 5-10 seconds depending on plate safety ensured by triple...

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VETERINARY INFECTIONS – LARGE ANIMALS – AD Aujeszky’s disease Introduction Aujeszky’s disease (AD) is a contagious disease of pigs. The causative agent is swine herpes virus type 1 (SHV-1), a member of the family Herpesviridae. The disease is characterized by a two-phase course: the acute stage of infection is followed by a latent phase. In the acute stage, the affected pigs develop damage to the nervous system and the respiratory tract. The disease is usually fatal in piglets. In the latent stage, the pig as a natural host and reservoir of the virus serves as a carrier that spreads the...

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VETERINARY INFECTIONS – LARGE ANIMALS – IBR Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis Introduction Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) is a bovine disease caused by the BHV-1 virus (bovineherpesvirus-1) from the family Herpesviridae. Only cattle are sensitive to the infection. The infection process is either completely asymptomatic or is manifested by various clinical forms, mostly as rhinotracheitis and vulvovaginitis, often causing reproductive disorders and abortion. The virus induces a latent infection in the animals and persists in their body without any clinical symptoms for the whole...

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VETERINARY INFECTIONS – LARGE ANIMALS – BVD-MD Bovine viral diarrhoea Introduction Bovine viral diarrhoea is a mucosal disease caused by the BVD virus (bovine viral diarrhoea virus, BVDV), a member of the genus Pestivirus, family Flaviviridae. BVDV is one of the most important viral pathogens of cattle. Typical symptoms of the disease include diarrhoea and fever. Serious consequences of the BVDV infection are compromised immunity (immunosuppression); which is a predisposing factor for infection with other pathogens, causing respiratory infections; reproductive disorders, mastitis, or other...

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VETERINARY INFECTIONS – LARGE ANIMALS – EBLV Enzootic Bovine Leukosis Virus Introduction Enzootic Bovine Leukosis Virus (EBLV) belongs to the family Retroviridae. Enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) is an infectious disease of cattle. The virus infects primarily B lymphocytes and elicits a persistent antibody response against five viral proteins. The strongest antibody response is elicited against the surface glycoprotein gp-51 and the inner protein p-24. Only about 11% of infected animals develop symptoms of persistent lymphocytosis and lymphosarcomatosis. Current diagnostic techniques are...

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VETERINARY INFECTIONS – LARGE ANIMALS – PTB Paratuberculosis Introduction Paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease) is a disease of farm ruminants caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). The disease is very costly, is incurable and has a very long incubation period (2 years and longer). The main clinical symptom is watery diarrhoea with major loss of weight although food intake is constant. The animal dies of exhaustion at an advance stage of the disease. The animals start producing antibodies against the causative agent during MAP secretion at the clinical stage of the...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos TestLine Clinical Diagnostics

  1. Cytomegalovirus

    8 Páginas

  2. Parvovirus B19

    4 Páginas

  3. COVID-19

    12 Páginas