Tunstall LifeCare
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We have structured our business around helping customers like Birmingham City Council and RTNI to deliver a fully integrated approach, effectively embedding telehealthcare into the organisation’s culture. We work in partnership to redesign service delivery and care pathways in order to achieve broader strategic goals and generate financial efficiencies. Birmingham City Council Northern Ireland Peter Hay, Strategic Director for Adults and Communities, Birmingham City Council and President of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services We understand that undertaking this kind of systemic review and wholesale change requires faith and commitment from all stakeholders. And that’s exactly why we believe you should place your trust in the market leader – a company with the resources, expertise and experience to deliver, from vision to reality. We work with local authorities, healthcare commissioners, housing associations and charities to bring care into the home. We combine 24/7 remote monitoring of environments and physical vital signs, with real-time response and support. TF3 (a consortium of Tunstall Healthcare, Fold Telecare and S3 Group) is delivering a large-scale telehealth service in Northern Ireland. Our solutions help bridge the gap between health and social care, enabling providers to deliver more efficient, integrated services that offer value for money and a better quality of life for the individual. The service has the capacity to support over 20,000 patients with long-term conditions, helping to improve health outcomes through better engagement with clinicians and enhanced selfmanagement. Birmingham City Council has invested £14 million into a large-scale, city-wide telecare service designed to benefit up to 25,000 people over three years. It is part of the Council’s new approach which is deploying resources at an early stage to support adults to stay in their own homes for longer, reducing the need for domiciliary and residential care. Birmingham City Council’s pioneering decision to invest in telehealthcare to provide better quality and more efficient support and care to the people in our communities marks a significant milestone in how we are improving the lives of adults throughout the city. It is an accepted fact that the current system of delivering health and social care is simply unsustainable and innovations like telehealthcare are key to transforming services, helping us to achieve better for less. Tunstall LifeCare Our end-to-end service delivery and support means we can tailor your solution to your needs. And our passion for making life better for the people who use our products and services means we won’t let you down. Over the next six years TF3 will provide a telemonitoring service to Northern Ireland (RTNI) which will support over 3,500 people a year, helping to reduce the pressure on frontline services by enabling people to be cared for in the community. By using advanced technology in the right way, we enable patients and carers to monitor their condition at home, which leads to earlier intervention and reduces admissions to hospital. Joined-up thinking To find out more about Tunstall LifeCare call 01977 660479 or email tlc@tunstall.co.uk This is at the very heart of where our health service needs to go – we need to be more flexible, put the patient at the centre and ensure more people have the chance to stay at home with their families. Edwin Poots, Minister of the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Northern Ireland Executive. Tunstall Healthcare (UK) Ltd Whitley Lodge Whitley Bridge Yorkshire DN14 0HR t: 01977 661234 f: 01977 660562 e: enquiries@tunstall.co.uk The benefits of telecare and telehealth have been now been proven (see tunstallwsd.co.uk). In the past, many telecare and telehealth services have been delivered as pilots, working in isolation from mainstream pathways. The evidence now shows that in order to maximise the outcomes, services need to move to mainstream, large-scale delivery. However, this will require a radically different approach, challenging traditional boundaries in health and social care and re-envisioning the service user and professional experi

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46% increase in social care spending 15.4 million people in England live with a long-term condition, expected to rise to 18 million 70% of the health and social care budget in England goes on treating people with long-term of people over 65 falling Health and social care providers across the UK are facing difficult choices. The challenge of an ageing population combined with recent spending cuts means more must be delivered for less. Limited resources create an opportunity to re-examine how services are delivered, and to redesign the way we support older people and those with long-term...

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  2. Smart Hub

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  3. Dementia Care

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  4. Innovations

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  5. Falls management

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  6. mymedic II

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  7. Communicall Vi

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  8. myclinic

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  9. Lifeline Vi

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  10. Portfolio Issue 25

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  11. CareAssist

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  12. Lifeline Vi

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