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CMV - 1

anti-CMV ELISA-VIDITEST anti-CMV IgM capture anti-CMV IgG anti-CMV IgA • • • • • Differential diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis Differential diagnosis of pneumonia and hepatitis in children Differential diagnosis of opportune infections in immunocompromised patients Differential diagnosis of viral infections in pregnancy Differential diagnosis of neuroinfections High avidity ANTIBODY TITER Convalescent phase ...the way to the correct results VIDIA spol. s r.o. Nad Safinou II 365, Vestec 252 42 Jesenice u Prahy Czech Republic Technical support Tel.: +420 261 090 575 E-mail: www

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CMV - 2

The array of CE IVD serological tests for the diagnosis of CMV infection (primoinfection, reactivation). ELISA-VIDITEST anti-CMV IgM capture Capture antibody ELISA utilizing a mixture of recombinant antigens Indirect antibody ELISA utilizing the native antigen in combination with synthetic peptides Indirect antibody ELISA utilizing the native antigen in combination with synthetic peptides Versions of IgG ELISAs Screening ELISA – ELISA for serum antibody screening – semiquantitative • • Quantitative ELISA – LISA for serum and cerebrospinal fluid E allows determination of the intrathecal...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos VIDIA s.r.o

  1. LIA Borrelia+TBEV

    2 Páginas

  2. HHV-6

    4 Páginas

  3. LIA Borrelia

    4 Páginas

  4. Vidimat-Monotests

    2 Páginas

  5. Vidimat

    4 Páginas

  6. Borrelia

    4 Páginas

  7. TBEV

    4 Páginas

  8. JCV

    4 Páginas

  9. Bisphenol A

    2 Páginas

  10. HSV

    2 Páginas

  11. EBV

    4 Páginas

  12. Microcystin

    2 Páginas

  13. VZV

    4 Páginas

  14. Cellular immunity

    4 Páginas