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EXTRAORDINARY DENTISTRY XO CARE empowers professionals to perform extraordinary dentistry by enhancing the practitioners’ skills and protecting their health, while providing the best patient experience and ensuring high return on investment. XO CARE unterstützt das Fachpersonal bei der Umsetzung außergewöhnlicher Zahnmedizin, indem es die Fähigkeiten der Behandler steigert, ihre Gesundheit schützt und gleichzeitig das beste Patientenerlebnis bietet unter Gewährleistung einer hohen Wirtschaftlichkeit. XO CARE permet au praticien d’exercer une extraordinaire dentisterie sublimant ses...

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XO ODONTOSURGE Your everyday tool for soft tissue handling Ihr tagtägliches Werkzeug für die Weichgewebebehandlung L’instrument de votre quotidien pour la gestion des tissus mous Cutting or excavating soft tissue is a daily procedure for most dental professionals. One of the most time-consuming elements of those treatments is managing bleeding and maintaining clear vision. Das Schneiden oder Entfernen von Weichgewebe gehört zur täglichen Arbeit der meisten Zahnärzte. Einer der zeitaufwendigsten Teile dieser Behandlungen ist der Umgang mit Blutungen und die Aufrechterhaltung der klaren...

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ENHANCING PROFESSIONAL DENTISTRY XO empowers you to perform the very best dental treatments, enabling you to make full use of your skills and expertise. To remain focused on the work area, you need a cutting device that makes incisions with little or no bleeding. Precise incisions With XO ODONTOSURGE the quality of your incisions is always perfect. The power is automatically adjusted to the resistance of the tissue. The electrode glides smoothly during a cut and you do not experience burned tissue or sticking electrodes. Dry conditions for faster treatments Dry incisions obtained with XO...

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PROVIDING BEST PATIENT EXPERIENCE We understand and recognize how important it is that your patient remains calm throughout treatment. To this end, XO’s equipment is designed to be safe and comfortable and to help you gain the complete confidence of your patient. Safe To maximize your patient’s safety XO ODONTOSURGE automatically reduces power output when you touch hard tissue. Your incisions will never cause tooth or bone necrosis. Superb patient comfort The perfect and dry incisions create a comfortable experience for your patients. The healing is much faster and there is little scar...

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PROTECTING THE PRACTITIONERS HEALTH Your health is one of our main priorities when we design our solutions. We aim to ensure that you sit well, see well and are able to work well – all at the same time. To create the best possible ergo nomic situation, we have integrated the activation button into the handpiece to avoid additional foot or knob controllers. Maximum tactility To minimize strains in wrist and arms and maximize your tactile sense we have designed XO ODONTOSURGE with a very light handpiece and hose. You will not have to look away from the work area to adjust the power. After...

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ENSURING HIGH RETURN ON INVESTMENT Our objective is to help you increase the value of your equipment investment by saving you time and money, giving you maximum uptime and providing an attractive working environment. Always ready to use No matter if it is small bleeding or full surgery, XO ODONTOSURGE is always ready. With no setup time, only two working modes (CUT / COAG) and automatic power control, XO ODONTOSURGE will quickly become your most efficient tool for everyday treatments. Boost your treatments You can do more during one patient’s visit and significantly reduce the treatment...

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Notre but est de vous aider à augmenter la valeur de votre investissement en matériel en vous faisant gagner du temps et de l’argent, en vous apportant une plus grande garantie dans un environnement de travail agréable. Le design compact, la facilité d’utilisation et les meilleurs résultats font de XO ODONTOSURGE le « must » absolu de tout cabinet dentaire. Toujours prêt à l’utilisation Qu’il s’agisse d’un petit saignement ou d’une grosse chirurgie, XO ODONTOSURGE est toujours prêt. Pas de temps perdu à sa mise en route : seulement deux réglages – COUPE et COAGULATION et, de plus, le...

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* Coagulation electrodes

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2460 All rights reserved. XO®, XO CARE® and ODONTOSURGE® are registered trademarks. © XO CARE A/S 2022 Products shown in this catalogue are intended for use by dental professionals for human dentistry procedures. See technical and legal product details as well as clinical case studies at xo-care.com. Subject to change

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XO CARE A/S Copenhagen Denmark Usserød Mølle Håndværkersvinget 6 DK 2970 Hørsholm +45 70 20 55 11 info@xo-care.com xo-care.c

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos XO Care

  1. XO FLOW

    43 Páginas

  2. XO FLEX

    46 Páginas